
Monday, December 29, 2008

Lumpia (Indonesian Nem)

Last April, I visited my friend in Dordogne and she taught me how to make Indonesian nem. It was simple and yummy. I had never made it before. Thank's to Dwi!

  • Spring roll pastry, one pack of 40 pieces
  • 2 tbsp of Dried shrimp, soak in hot water for around 15 min and then chopped
  • 5-6 Garlics, chopped
  • 6-8 Carrots, cut into long small pieces
  • Rice noodle (vermicelli), one pack, soak into hot water for around 10 min
  • 1 tsp of Soya sauce (Kikkoman)
  • Cooking oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Sugar

Cooking Instructions (filling part):
  • Fry the chopped garlic with small amount of cooking oil
  • Add the carrot and fry until it is cooked
  • Add the rice noodle and fry for 5 min
  • Add the dried shrimp and mix well. Fry for around 5 min.
  • Add the soya sauce
  • Add the salt, sugar and pepper (the amount is usually according to your taste)

Taste it before you turn off the stove. Then, it is ready to be put inside the spring roll pastry. How? See the pictures below.

Please note that we only need to put around one table spoon of filling part into the spring roll pastry. And we can use the mix of flour and water to glue the last corner of the spring roll pastry. Some people use white part of egg, but my friend suggested me to use mix of flour and water. She said it would be better.

Frying instructions:
  • Simply prepare the pan with some cooking oil. We do not need to soak all parts of lumpia into the hot oil, therefore do not put too much oil.
  • Fry the lumpia for a while, just until the spring roll pastry becomes a little bit golden.
  • We may put some lumpia together according the size of the pan.
  • When it is ready, put the lumpia on a oven pan covered with the cooking paper. This paper is to absorb the oil during the baking time in the oven. Yes, two ways of cooking, in the pan and in the oven.
  • Prepare the oven in 180 degree.
  • Place the oven pan inside the oven and bake for about 15 minutes. Turn all the lumpia to other side, then bake again for 15 minutes.

Monday, December 8, 2008

My First Cake Decoration

I never did cake decorating before. But for my daughter's birthday, I wanted to surprise her with a nice fondant cake. So I had to try.

At first, it was not easy for me to find the Wilton fondant. And, after browsing around, I found this site,, which sells many things for baking, including Wilton products. Yuppie!

My husband helped to bake the cake and fill it with peach + nutella. So, I could focus on the decorating. For decorating tips, I tried to find many information from friends, Wilton's site, Youtube, etc. Please check these out:
Since I ordered only one Wilton icing color (rose color), so I added some Smarties to make the cake more colorful.

Voila, this was the cake! Yummy and pretty...!

So, thank's to
Ria, Ellen, Fi Fang, Mbak Lina, and also, my husband, who helped to make my dream came true!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Nasi Baso Jamur (Rice with champignon and meat balls)

This recipe is almost the same with the recipe of Mie Ayam Bakso (Noodle with Chicken and Meat balls). The main difference is only the rice that I used to replace the Noodle.

I love to eat food with soup during winter. And this recipe reminds me with one of my fave resto in Margonda, Depok (Rumah Makan Berkat). That resto had many yummy food with noodle or rice.

For the champignon
  • 3 canes of Champignon
  • 2 garlics, crushed
  • 1 lemon grass, crushed
  • 1 red chilli, crushed
  • 1/2 tsp curcuma in powder
  • 2 tbsp sweet soya sauce
  • 1/2 beef broth Knorr in 1/2 glass of hot water
  • Pepper
  • Cooking oil
For the soup
  • 16-20 beef meat balls
  • 1 spring onion, chopped
  • 1 celery, chopped
  • 1/2 beef broth Knorr in 1/2 glass of hot water
  • Salt, pepper
  • 1.5 l water
Cooking Instructions:

  • Fry the garlic, add lemon grass.
  • Then add the champignons, mix well.
  • Add the chilli and soya sauce.
  • Add curcuma and pepper.
  • After all mex together, add the beef broth.
  • Set aside.

  • Boil the water then add the spring onion and celery. Cook for a while.
  • Add the beef meat balls (you can put without cutting into pieces, or if you like, you can cut them first then put into the water).
  • Add the beef broth, salt and pepper.
  • Cook until the leaves are soft.

Serving Instructions:
  • Put the soup into a bowl.
  • And in a plate, put the rice together with the mushroom.

Cannelés Bordelais

Sewaktu temanku, Lia, meminta utk dicarikan resep kue Cannelé, aku langsung bertanya ke suami. Dan kami pun mengirimkan satu resep dari Marmiton kepada temanku itu. Penasaran juga nih, ingin tahu rasanya. Akhirnya suami mengajarkan cara membuatnya.

  • Setengah liter susu
  • Sejumput garam
  • 2 telur lengkap, dan dua kuning telur
  • Setengah bungkus vanilla bubuk
  • 1 sdm rhum
  • 100 g tepung terigu
  • 250 g gula pasir
  • 50 g butter (dan 50 g lagi untuk mengoles cetakan kue)

Cara memasak:
  • Didihkan susu bersama butter dan vanilla dalam pan kecil. Sisihkan sampai agak dingin.
  • Dalam waktu yang bersamaan, campur terigu dan gula dalam wadah/mangkuk, kemudian telur, aduk rata.
  • Kemudian masukkan campuran susu dalam pan ke dalam mangkuk terigu-gula-telur, aduk rata sampai adonan serupa dengan adonan pan cake. Biarkan agak dingin, kemudian tambahkan rhum. Aduk.
  • Simpan adonan selama satu jam di dalam kulkas.
  • Sementara itu, panaskan oven dengan suhu 270 derajat celcius.
  • Oles cetakan cannelés dengan butter. Siapkan loyang utk alasnya.
  • Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan, segera masukkan ke dalam oven.
  • Panggang selama 5 menit, kemudian turunkan suhunya menjadi 180 derajat, panggang selama 1 jam.

Cookies Us

Resep cookies ini aku dapat dari Marmiton. Simpel dan enak. Memang tampilannya kurang meyakinkan, tapi rasanya jangan salah. Untuk berikutnya, aku ingin coba resep ini dengan menggunakan Smarties, bukan choco chips, dan mengganti rhum dengan vanilla essence cair.

Berikut ini resep yang kami coba dengan beberapa perubahan sesuai kebutuhan:

  • 250 gr tepung terigu
  • 200 gr potongan kecil black chocolate (krn tidak ada choco chips)
  • 125 gr butter (biarkan di luar kulkas sebentar sampai lunak)
  • 175 gr gula pasir putih dan coklat (komposisi 1:1)
  • 1 butir telur
  • 1 gelas kecil rhum (sekitar 2 sdm)
  • 1 sachet baking powder
  • 1 jumput garam

Cara memasak:
  • Panaskan oven di suhu 150 derajat.
  • Dalam mangkuk besar, masukkan tepung terigu, garam dan baking powder, aduk rata.
  • Dalam mangkuk lain, campur telur, butter, gula dan rhum. Aduk sampai rata.
  • Kemudian, campur isi mangkuk pertama ke dalam mangkuk kedua. Aduk perlahan sampai rata.
  • Tambahkan potongan coklat ke dalamnya, aduk lagi perlahan sampai rata.
  • Siapkan loyang yang dilapisi kertas roti.
  • Ambil adonan cookies sebanyak satu sendok teh full, letakkan di atas kertas roti dan pipihkan sesuai yang diinginkan.
  • Tata setiap adonan dengan jarak tertentu supaya tidak bertabrakan ketika mengembang di dalam oven.
  • Panggang dalam oven selama 10-15 menit.

Tartiflette in Pan

Tartiflette adalah salah satu masakan Perancis yang menggunakan bahan dasar kentang dan keju Reblochon. Masakan ini berasal dari region Savoie dan sering disajikan oleh banyak resto di pegunungan Savoie pada musim ski karena masakan ini memang cukup mengandung kalori dan nikmat disantap saat cuaca dingin.

Versi resep ini bisa beragam, namun bahan dasarnya tetap sama. Kebanyakan resep tartiflette yang saya lihat menggunakan oven untuk memasaknya spt gratin. Namun pernah juga saya melihat di pasar Natal, ada stand yang menjual tartiflette yang dimasak di pan besar. Kebetulan suami juga lebih suka memasaknya dengan pan, jadi saya pun menggunakan cara yang sama. Ini dia resep tartiflette versi keluarga kami.

  • Kentang 1 kg, kupas dan potong bulat pipih atau kotak dadu
  • Keju Reblochon 1/2 lingkaran (lihat gambar) atau sekitar 200 g, iris halus
  • Daging asap (sapi, turkey atau ayam) 3 slice, iris tipis. Bisa juga lardon ayam dari Isla Delice (resep aslinya menggunakan lardon - pork)
  • Krim segar 200 ml
  • Bawang putih 2-3 siung, kupas dan haluskan
  • Bawang bombay 1 buah, iris tipis
  • Merica dan garam secukupnya
  • Minyak sayur secukupnya utk menumis
Cara memasak:
  • Rebus atau kukus potongan kentang sampai masak.
  • Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay di dalam pan sampai harum dan lemas.
  • Masukkan irisan daging, tumis sebentar.
  • Masukkan potongan kentang yang sudah masak, aduk rata sesekali.
  • Masukkan irisan Reblochon di atasnya, tunggu sebentar sampai keju tersebut agak meleleh, kemudian aduk.
  • Bubuhkan garam dan merica secukupnya.
  • Terakhir, siram krim segar dan aduk rata.
  • Saat kentang dikukus/rebus, cukup sampai setengah matang krn di dalam pan akan dimasak lagi. Bisa jg langsung dimasak dalam pan sampai matang.
  • Sebagian resep hanya menggunakan bawang bombay, tidak bawang putih.
  • Daging asap sudah siap makan, jadi tidak perlu dimasak lama.
  • Keju Reblochon akan hancur sendiri seiring panas dari pan. Jadi, kalau sekiranya sudah cukup tercampur, segera masukkan garam, merica dan krim.
  • Karena keju sudah ada rasa asin, jadi hati-hati dalam membubuhkan garam, jangan terlalu banyak.
  • Untuk vegetarian, bisa menghilangkan daging. Tanpa daging pun sudah enak. Bisa juga mengganti daging dengan jamur champignon.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Emerald Amethyst Necklace

My friend asked me to make a necklace to be paired with her lovely earings. According to the photos that she sent me, I observed that the main color of the earings is emerald. And then, amethyst.

Here is the necklace. I hope she will like it.

  • Cube Swarovski Amethyst
  • Ronde Swarovski Emerald AB 4 mm
  • Ronde Swarovski Amethyst AB 4 mm
  • Perles Facette Emerald AB
  • Perles Pyramide Bleu Zircon
  • Metal beads in Bronze
Technique used: wire work.

Leopard in Silver Necklace

  • Leopard stone for the pendant
  • Rhodonite beads
  • Quartz Rose beads
  • Fine silver wire 1 mm
  • Fine silver wire 0.70 mm
  • Silver plated wire 0.50 mm
  • Silver plated swirl links

Technique used: wire work.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Soup and Salad

One of my fav menu in Pizza Hut Indonesia was Soup and Salad. Sometimes, just by taking that menu, I felt enough. No pizza alors... :)

At the fast food restaurant in Indonesia, salad is usually accompanied by creamy dressing, for example thousand island (which my husband never heard about that :). But in here, salad is always accompanied by vinegar, mixed with other sauce or ingredients. My mother-in-law likes to mix the vinegar with mashed garlic and shallot. And my husband likes to mix the vinegar with soy sauce!

Before I post the recipe of salad sauce from my husband, I want to share a link of yummy recipe of the cream soup base. This recipe is for the base of any cream soup that you like. For example, if you adore asparagus cream soup, after you make the cream soup base, you can add some asparagus. But remember, well-cooked asparagus, not raw. Please click here for the recipe.

And now, the salad sauce's recipe:

  • 2 tbsp of Olive oil (or grape-seed oil, or cooking oil)
  • 2 tbsp of Grilled colza oil
  • 1 tbsp of Cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp of Balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp of Tamari (Japanese soy sauce)
  • Levure de biere en paillettes (Gayelord or Gerblé)

As my husband taught me to make the composition of the oil and vinegar in 2:1, I usually do not follow exactly like he said. Why? Because I want to put more vinegar. So, I advise you to find your own composition according to your personal preference.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Necklaces Collection

Finally, I made them. When I could not do normal houseworks last week, I decided to make as many necklaces as I could. And those days were really fun for me.

Created by using Scrapbook Flair software and background.
Photos by me.

The necklace in the center is so special, most of materials are in silver (fine, sterling) and silver plated copper wire. Love the fossil coral pendant too!

You can visit all necklaces in here.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Simple Salmon Dish

Thank's to my friend, Eva, who told me what to do with one kilo of salmon that I had in my congelator...

She informed me that I only needed to put 4 spices for this delicious dish which were:
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Galangal
  • Ginger
But then, I added some coriandre. In the photo, the chilli and the basilic are only for decoration :)

Ikan Asam-asam (Fish Soup in Lemon)

I missed Asam-asam restaurant in Cikarang, not far from my previous office. My fav dish was sour 'patin' fish soup. It was sour and a little bit hot, but so so yummy. Especially if it was accompanied with a big glass of young coconut drink. Ooh...

Then couple days ago I tried to make sour fish soup. To add the taste of sour, usually Indonesian people use bilimbi. But I did not have it here. So I put lemon.

  • 3 pieces of Colin fish
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 red chillies, chopped
  • 1 green paprika, chopped
  • 2 slices of lemon
  • 2 tbsp of lemon juice for marinade the fish
  • 1 tbsp of lemon juice for sauce
  • 1 salam leave
  • 1-2 tsp sweet soya sauce
  • salt, pepper
  • cooking oil
  • water

How to make it:
  • Rub the fish with some salt and lemon juice, let them for 10-15 minutes before cooking
  • Fry the chopped onion with little oil until it becomes browny
  • Add paprika, fry until it is half cooked
  • Add the fish, cook well with some water
  • Add the chillies, slices of lemon, lemon juice, salam leave, sweet soya sauce, salt and pepper
  • Taste it, add more salt and/or pepper if needed
  • Serve with rice
I have been thinking to try with salmon. The taste must be better.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Opor Ayam (Chicken with Coconut Milk)

The original recipe was given by Rita and Mbak Dewi, but it was actually for Spicy Chicken which was fried and crispy. Then someone told me that the recipe also could be used for Opor Ayam, one of the favorite dish during Idul Fitri (Eid) celebration in Indonesia. So, I cooked this dish for my family, of course for celebrating Eid.


200 ml thick coconut milk
1.5 l water
4 full chicken leg and thigh (as a whole part)
1 tbsp galangal
4 fresh garlics
5 fresh shallots
1 tbsp salt
3 tsp sugar
2 fresh lemon grass, crushed
2 salam leaves
2 tsp turmeric

How to cook:

  • Chop the shallots and garlics into raw pieces, put in a blender or a traditional grinder. Grind well.
  • Boil the chicken with water and coconut milk in a pan with low heat
  • Add the mixed of shallots and garlics, salam leave, lemon grass, turmeric and galangal.
  • Cook until the chicken is well-done.
  • Serve with rice cake and fried shallots.
- If you prefer, you can add some boiled eggs into the opor ayam.

Monday, September 22, 2008

What am I doing?

Many friends of mine were asking: "Are you busy making something?", "Is there any beading project that you currently do?", "Are you wiring things this moment?". And, I also have some questions for myself, such as: "When will I try to wrap my cameos as challenged by my 'beading guru', Wulan?", or, "When will I work on the necklace project for my friend in Paris?".


I hardly could do any beading or wiring projects at these previous weeks. And I only have one excuse for that. Hormon. I think there is a connection between my laziness and my first trimester hormon. Well, I still want to learn, try and make something with my beads and wire, but I have to wait until I am ready. Meanwhile, I just take a look at other people creations which are very stunning!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Pelecing Kangkung

Finally I met fresh water spinach at Paris Store, the big asian supermarket. Before, everytime I saw this vegetable there, it did not look fresh, seemed so ugly... not interesting. But today, when my neighbour, Hélène, and me did a little shopping there, I could find the fresh one. Yuppie!

Then I browsed for cooking ideas at the internet. It came up with a final decision to make Pelecing Kangkung. Hoaaa... very hot...

The original recipe was taken from Dapoerkoe. But as usual, I modified according to the ingredients I had at home.

Voila... special for my baby...!

  • 200 - 300 g water spinach (liseron d'eau), cut the hard part of the stem and then cook in the boiling water for around 7-10 min
  • 50 g peanuts (arachide), fry in hot oil
For sambal:
  • 5 red chillies, cut into two pieces
  • 1 fresh tomato (I replaced with 8 table spoons of fresh tomato puree from my mother-in-law)
  • 2 tea spoons of ready-to-use shrimp paste
  • 1 tea spoon of salt
  • a half tea spoon of sugar in powder
  • 2 tea spoons of lime juice
  • For sambal:
  1. Grind the chillies and the shrimp paste.
  2. Mix with salt and sugar, grind together.
  3. Add the tomato puree and lime juice, mix well.
  • How to serve:
  1. Put some rice on the plate, add some cooked water spinach over it.
  2. Pour the sambal
  3. Add the fried peanut

  • Please reduce the chillies according to your condition. With 5 chillies, I believe some of you will drink so much water...
  • If you use fresh tomato, cut into pieces, then grind together with the chillies before adding salt and sugar.
  • I added some fried anchovies to complete my eating-indonesian-food desire...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Tempe, tempeh or soybean cake is one of my favorite. In my country, it is not difficult to have it while in here, hff... very difficult. Donc, j'ai appris de faire tempe by myself. Some of my Indonesian friends in France have tried to make it and they were succesfull. Following their steps, I brought some fermentation starter from Jakarta when I moved to France. Fermentation starter is the most important ingredient for making tempe (please see here for more information).

The first time I made tempe was in May 2008 (finally... hff...). It was also successful for me (thank's to my friends who have guided and supported me!). Then I made it again couple times, especially these days when I miss Indonesian food so much... Ngidam bow...

If you need the detail recipe and instructions, these are some suggested links:
Sorry, no link in french... hehe...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mie Ayam Bakso

I got the recipe from my friend in Lille. In the middle of my first trimester, it has been difficult to see Indonesian food at every friends' blogs I've visited. Hff... So, for this recipe, I decided to try. Of course, with the ingredients that I had at home.

Well, here it is, my Mie Ayam Bakso, with pieces of red chillies... hehe.

Di rumah sudah ada ayam suwir matang dari mertua, jadi tinggal dipakai saja. Kemudian, kami tidak punya saus tiram maupun minyak wijen. Jadi ada yang dihilangkan, atau diganti. Sedangkan untuk sambal, karena di rumah tdk ada blender, jadi aku cuma memasukkan irisan cabe merah ke dalam kuah bakso. Satu saja cabe-nya, takut pada kepedasan...

Ini aku catat supaya ndak lupa modifikasi yang sudah aku lakukan. Dari segi rasa, dua orang komentator di rumah menyatakan enak... :)

Tapi aku mau coba lagi lain kali dgn mie yang berbeda. Juga dengan cabe yang lebih banyakkkk...

Untuk ayam:
- Ayam suwir matang dari +/- 5 paha atas (sptnya kebanyakan, soalnya sisa banyak nih)
- 1 Jamur champignon kaleng kecil
- 2 siung bawang putih
- 1 batang sereh
- 1/2 sdt kunyit
- 2 sdm kecap manis
- Merica
- 1/2 kaldu Knorr ayam, dilarutkan dalam 1/2 gelas air panas
- Minyak sayur utk menumis

Untuk mie:
- Mie telur 4 keping
- 1 sdm Kecap Kikkoman
- 1 sdm minyak sayur
- 1 sdt minyak Colza Grillé
- Merica

Untuk kuah:
- 8 bakso
- 1 batang daun bawang, iris
- 1 cabe merah, iris
- 1/2 kaldu Knorr ayam, dilarutkan dalam 1/2 gelas air panas
- Garam
- 1 liter air (atau sesuai selera)
- 1 sdt minyak sayur

Untuk ayam:
- Tumis bawang putih yang sudah dihaluskan, masukkan kunyit bubuk, ujung batang sereh yang sudah di-geprek.
- Masukkan ayam suwir, jamur, kecap manis, merica dan air kaldu Knorr. Setelah tercampur rata, angkat, sisihkan.

Untuk mie:
- Rebus dalam air mendidih sampai lunak. Angkat.
- Dalam mangkok besar (seperti mangkok salad), campur kecap Kokkiman, minyak sayur, minyak Colza Grillé dan merica secukupnya.
- Masukkan mie yang sudah direbus ke dalam mangkok dan aduk rata.

Untuk kuah:
- Didihkan air, masukkan irisan daun bawang, irisan cabe, air kaldu Knorr, garam, minyak sayur serta bakso.
- Masak hingga daun bawang dan cabe layu.

Cara menghidangkan:
- Siapkan mangkuk, ambil mie secukupnya, berikan ayam jamur di atasnya.
- Siram kuah dan bakso di atasnya.
- Hidangkan

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Gado-gado (Indonesian Vegetable Salad)

Looks yummy... Vegetable and peanut sauce. One of my favorite. But since I don't have any food processor to make the peanut sauce, I always use the instant peanut sauce (Ratu brand) that my family sent me from Indonesia. And for the vegetable, I usually use carrots, beansprouts, potatoes and green beans. But it is also possible to use cabbages, cucumbers and lettuces. You can add boiled eggs if you prefer. And do not forget to serve it together with prawn crackers, fried shallots, slices of rice cake, or just rice.

Created by using Scrapbook Flair software and background.
Photo by me.

For the complete recipe of gado-gado, you can check these following sites:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Friends... Forever

My daughter's school had a picnic at the last day of school before summer holidays. As usual, my girl was playing with her best friends. When I took their photo, they were happy and smiling...

Happy holidays to you all!

Created with Scrapbook Flair software and kits.
Photo by me.
Location: Parc de la Tête d'Or, Lyon.

Pinky Necklace

This necklace was specially made for my mother-in-law. I used wire work, stringing and another technique for making a pendant. All were inspired by two workshop I attended in Jakarta, 2007. And the main materials are swarovski bicone rose 4 mm, rose 6 mm and fuchsia 4 mm. Plus, rose cat's eye beads 4 mm and fresh water pearl - white rice.

I hope she will like it.

And the swarovski pendant I made last year in Andamari Workshop, until now, I still wear it. Why? Because I appreciate my effort to create that pendant, and I also appreciate my friend, Wulan, who taught me to make it. Thank's Wulan! And also thank's to your sister, Dian.

Baked Potato with Broccoli and Cheese

Reposted from My Multiply, Jan 17, 08.

Dulu sering ke resto Wendy's? Pasti pesan makanan yang satu ini dong... Jaman kuliah, aku belajar bikin ini sama temen. Dan akhirnya satu rumahku senang dgn menu ini. Palingan Bapakku (alm) yang pernah protes. Katanya begini, "Sitha, kenapa sih kamu masak makanan luar terus? Mbok sekali-kali masak sayur lodeh atau masakan Indonesia yang lain". Iya, ini gara-gara aku dulu sukanya bikin baked potato, spaghetti, macaroni schotel, mashed potato atau ngaduk salad dgn thousand island dressing. Pdhal sdh diajarin Bapak bikin tumis sejak SMP (gara-gara adikku bungsu lahir pas ga ada pembantu), namun tetap aja paling banter bikin sop sosis, bukan lodeh, sayur asem, etc. Kena deh ditegur Bapakku... hiks... Ampun Pak, sekarang udah bisa masak nasi goreng... Lodeh belum.

Setelah sekian lama absen masak baked potato, sekarang aku mulai lagi. Ini dia resepnya, disesuaikan dengan kondisi di rumah:

  • 300-500 gr kuntum brokoli
  • 4 butir kentang ukuran sedang
  • 1 sdm butter untuk olesan kentang
  • 1 sdm butter untuk saus
  • 2 sdm terigu
  • 100-200 gr keju parut
  • 300-400 cc susu
  • garam secukupnya
  • merica secukupnya
  • parmesan cheese secukupnya, untuk taburan (optional)

  • Rebus/kukus brokoli, sisihkan (kalau direbus bisa ditambahkan sedikit garam).
  • Cuci bersih kentang, oles kulit luarnya dengan butter sebelum dibungkus aluminum foil, kemudian tusuk-tusuk dgn garpu dan panggang di oven bersuhu 250 - 350 derajat sampai matang, kurang lebih satu jam.
  • Untuk sausnya, pertama lelehkan butter dalam panci saus, angkat dari api dan biarkan agak dingin.
  • Masukkan tepung dan aduk perlahan sampai halus dan rata.
  • Tuangkan susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil tetap di aduk rata.
  • Letakkan kembali panci saus di atas kompor dan panaskan.
  • Masukkan keju parut, aduk sampai rata.
  • Masukkan garam dan merica.
  • Masak sampai meletup letup dan sisihkan.

Penyajiannya, letakkan kentang di piring, kemudian belah bagian tengah kentang sampai merekah, selipkan brokoli di sepanjang rekahan dan beri saus. Terakhir, taburi dengan parmesan.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Martabak Telor

I cooked martabak telor for a garden party with my neighbors. The party itself was for welcoming summer holidays. Yes, it had to be celebrated. So, since we had to bring food, my husband and I decided to make an Indonesian food as a starter (l'entrée salée) and a chocolate tart as a desert. Of course it was not me who made the tart...

I served my martabak telor with green chillies. "Well, you might try if you want to". The recipe was inspired from Resep Online which I modified according to our needs.

  • 30 Spring roll pastry, approx. size 20 x 20
  • 6-7 Eggs
  • 30 g Curry powder
  • 1 Onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 Onion leaves, chopped
  • 350 g Minced beef
  • 100 ml Coconut milk
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cooking oil

First, let's prepare the beef:
  • Fry the onion until it becomes soft
  • Add the beef, salt and pepper, cook until the beef is welldone
  • Add the curry powder, mix well
  • Add the coconut milk, mix well and cook until it boils
  • Taste the salt, if it is not enough yet, add some more
  • Add the onion leaves, mix and cook for about 30 seconds
  • Set aside

When the mixed beef above is not too hot, add the eggs and stir well. Now it is ready to be filled into the spring roll pastry. Put one tablespoon of this mixed beef into the spring roll pastry. Roll and wrap like an envelope. And then, deep fry.

Serve with green chillies or chilli sauce, as you like.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Choco Banane Cake

My husband's skill in making deserts and cakes has influenced me little by little. Couple weeks ago, I tried to make my own choco banane cake based on my previous observations to my husband's work at our kitchen. Not difficult, in fact. Very berry simple to make this cake and the taste is absolutely fantastic...

  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 g melted butter
  • 100 g flour
  • 1 sachet levure chimique (baking powder)
  • 50 g fécule (a kind of flour made from potato -may be in english is starch)
  • 3 bananas
  • 3 soup spoons of crême fraiche épaisse (thick, not liquid one)
  • 1 sachet sucre vanille (vanilla sugar)
  • 100 g chocolate, cut into little pieces (or try the chocolate chips)

How to make it:
  • Mix the eggs, sugar and melted butter (prepare the melted butter before so that it will not boil the eggs)
  • Add the flour, levure and fécule
  • Mash the bananas with a fork and add the crême fraiche and sucre vanille, mix together
  • Add the chocolate, spread around as you like
  • Bake for 45-50 minutes in 180 degrees

The brand of the flour we used is Francine. Francine has many kinds of flour. Usually we use Francine "Supreme", but when we tried with Francine special for "Gâteaux", the result was better. If you use this special flour, do not add a sachet of levure chimique as mentioned at the ingredient list above.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Ethnic Orange Necklace

I made this necklace based on request from my sister-in-law. The main materials are cat's eye beads in orange (size 4 mm and 6 mm) because my sister wanted to match the necklace with one of her colorful floral top.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Simple Tuna Pie

Note: Reposted from My Multiply.

This is so simple to cook. I got the recipe from but since I made this only for my daughter and me for our lunch, I reduced the amount of each ingredients into a half. I also modified some according to the availability of ingredients at home.

  • 3 large Carrots, cut into small pieces (like we use to do for Indonesian Soup)
  • 2 large Potatoes, cut into small cubes
  • 1 can Tuna
  • Grated Cheese
  • 1 tomato, sliced
Preparation Instructions:
  • Cook the carrots and potatoes in boiling water until soft.
  • Drain and mash. Mix in the tuna.
  • Pour into a dish. Cover with cheese.
  • Put the sliced tomatoes at the top.
  • Bake in an oven at 200 C for 20 to 30 minutes or until cheese is golden.

Nasi Bayam (Rice with Spinach)

Note: Reposted from My Multiply.

Bahan - bahan :
  • Nasi panas 500 gr
  • Bayam 2 ikat, siangi, rebus sebentar, cincang kasar
  • Bawang bombay kecil 1 buah, cincang kasar
  • Telur 2 butir, kocok lepas
  • Susu encer 100 ml
  • Keju parut 100 gr, untuk ditabur diatasnya
  • Royco rasa ayam 1 sdm
  • Margarin 2 sdm, cairkan

Cara membuat :
  • Campur semua bahan kecuali keju parut
  • Masukkan ke dalam wadah tahan panas yang sudah diolesi margarin
  • Taburi diatasnya dengan keju parut
  • Oven selama 30-45 menit dengan suhu 250 derajat

  • Kalau prefer bawang bombay-nya 'well done', bisa ditumis aja dulu sebelum dicampur.
  • Margarin diganti butter aja lah...
  • Hasil akhir menurutku kurang asin, tapi menurut suamiku udah oke.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Purple Pendant

I created this wrapped pendant couple months ago. The cabochon was also from Wire Scuplture but smaller than before (see My First Wrap Pendant). I do no know what kind of stone that I used here since I am still learning about gemstones, and Wire Sculpture did not list down all names of stones they sent (just informed as Gemstone Cabochon Assortment). So, it can be Ametrine? Or Fluorite? Anyway, I like the color.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My First Creation 2007

I made this at the first workshop I took at Istana Mote, Jakarta in March 2007. It was very difficult for me since I never tried wire work before. But after, the result was amazing...

Swarovski is really beautiful. Together with fresh water pearls, they formed into a very beautiful necklace.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Jewelry Making Workshop in Indonesia

I made a list of places and persons that can provide jewelry making workshop in Indonesia. I compiled the data from M2C mailing list and also from browsing around... For more information, please contact them, not me. I will update my list every time I receive new informations.

Please click here for downloading my list. It is in PDF format.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wire Work Pendant

Not easy, not easy... That's the only thing that I can say after I learned and tried to create pendants, clasps, etc with wire. And now I give more appreciation to professional artists and jewelry makers who do wire works. Keep up your good works, guys! I need to learn more from you all...

Created by using Scrapbook Flair software.
Kits from Stacey Jewell Stahl - DSP (The Gift Kit).
Photos by me.

Wire beaded pendant, 2 hours of process.
Materials: 21 gauge yellow brass wire, turquoise beads, fresh water pearls, chips and seed beads.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Beautiful Jacinthes

Oh la la... Beautiful flower and beautiful girl...

My daughter was very happy when her Jacinthes became so so beautiful. "It smells very good too, Mama", she said. And we did not want to lose the moment.

Created with Scrapbook Flair software.
Kits from Marcee Duggar (DSP).
Photos by me.

La Neige

This is something that I missed. I forgot to post this page in Flair and in here. Better late than never... :)

The photos were taken during our visit to my parents-in-law for Easter Holiday. And, the day became very special for us because finally my daughter could see the snow. Oui, she never touched it before.

The snow on Easter Day, not on Christmas Day... The first snow we met during our stay here.

Created by using Scrapbook Flair software, Kits from Angie Svoboda (DSP) - Winter Bliss.
Photos by me.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I got an assignment from my language class to find out some breads, cakes and anything that are sold in the 'boulangerie and 'patisserie'..

What is the difference between a 'baguette' and a 'flûte'? Je ne sais pas... What is the 'pain complet'? The 'pain blanc'? Une ficelle? Oh la la...! Many things that I need to learn here... But it was interesting for me.

Herewith the boulangerie page to be shared with you...

Created by using Scrapbook Flair software.
Photos are from Google.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Welcome Spring!

I can not express how much I love to see flowers everywhere now. Welcome spring!

I enjoyed the beautiful views when my family spent days at my parents'-in-law's city. My daughter? She could not wait to play around. Sunshine was nice, petite flowers were cute, green grass was beautiful...

Created by using Scrapbook Flair software.
Freebies from Labibah's Graphics.
Photos by me.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My First Cab Pendant

I tried hard to create this pendant. Three hours of painful fingers...

I bought the materials from Wire Scuplture and I received the home business package 2 days after the order thru the internet. I watched the DVD to learn, after that I tried to wrap a cameo. But I failed! I tried again with a cab and with the technique from Tumbleweed Glass Studio. Hmm... I think it is better for me to wrap cabochon than cameo. See the result, not bad, right?

I want to try again and again. Will not give up!

Created by using Scrapbook Flair software and paper, freebies from Suzanne C Walker (DSP).
Photo by me.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


My daughter and my niece, they have a special relationship, similar like sisters. I found this foto and then I thought about making a nice scrapbook page.

Created by using Scrapbook Flair software and freebies from Nayyancita (Vintage Collection), Valeri Brumfield (DSP Basic) and Alpha from Girl who wear glasses (Virgina Plain Tag Alpha).
Photo by Akbar Foto, Indonesia.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pinky Flowery

We had a good time during the winter holiday in my parents-in-law's house. Even though my daughter got a chicken pox (varicella), still we could enjoy the days and visit some nice places.

Created by using Scrapbook Flair software and freebies from Debbie & Laura (Colorful Memories).
Photo by a self-timer mode...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Turkey Rica-rica

Really wanted to eat Chicken Rica-rica, one traditional food from Sulawesi (Celebes). But since we followed Blood Type Diet (BTD), we had to avoid eating much chicken. Donc, we changed it with Turkey. Not bad...

Created with Scrapbook Flair software, freebies from Nayyancita (Vintage Collection)
and Debbie & Laura (Colorful Memories).
Photo by me.

Please find the recipe as follows:

  • 500 g turkey (or, 4 medium pieces)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 4 garlics, chopped and crushed
  • 3 cm ginger, finely chopped
  • 1 red paprika, crush and leave the seeds
  • a half tea spoon of Chili powder
  • 1 cube chicken broth
  • 2 lemon grass, finely chopped
  • 3 lime leaves
  • 1 table spoon of tomato sauce
  • 1 table spoon of chili sauce
  • a half tea spoon of Kencur

But first, marinade the turkey for 30 minutes with:
  • 1 tea spoon of salt
  • 2 table spoons of lime juice
  • 4 glasses of water

After you finish to marinade, put the turkey and all ingredients together in the pan, and then cook for around 1 hour. Voila! It is ready.

My friend put all ingredients (except the turkey) into a blender to make a paste before she cooked it together with the turkey. I think it is a better way. But too bad that I do not have a blender. So, I just chopped and chopped....

Usually, Rica-rica food is spicy and hot. Since I had to modify the recipe to follow my family taste, so I made it not too hot. And, for cooking, some people tend to put it into the oven than cook it in the pan. Hmm... how about mixing both ways? First, in the pan, then into the oven? I might try it someday.

Time for Crêpe

The first time my husband and I made crêpe. It was not too difficult but the crêpe was not perfect either... haha. Anyway, our daughter loved it so much.

Created with Scrapbook Flair software, freebies from Mandi Fashiondeeva (Child's Play Elements),
Debbie & Laura (Colorful Memories).
Photos by me :)