
Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Tempe, tempeh or soybean cake is one of my favorite. In my country, it is not difficult to have it while in here, hff... very difficult. Donc, j'ai appris de faire tempe by myself. Some of my Indonesian friends in France have tried to make it and they were succesfull. Following their steps, I brought some fermentation starter from Jakarta when I moved to France. Fermentation starter is the most important ingredient for making tempe (please see here for more information).

The first time I made tempe was in May 2008 (finally... hff...). It was also successful for me (thank's to my friends who have guided and supported me!). Then I made it again couple times, especially these days when I miss Indonesian food so much... Ngidam bow...

If you need the detail recipe and instructions, these are some suggested links:
Sorry, no link in french... hehe...


Lady Batya said...

wahhh manteppppppppppp...
Mbak..kalo ragi nya dach kadaluwarsa sebulan atau 2 bulan masih boleh pakai nggak sih?

Sitha said...

Mbak, menurut temanku, dia pernah pakai ragi kadaluarsa lama, dan masih oke. Itu menurut dia lho, dan sejauh ini dia sehat-sehat aja.... hehehe....

CHEMINEE said...

shinta ,,tks banget ya ,, sungguh jadi ndak heboooh lagi deh,, nanti aku cari kc kedelainya di toko bio ,, tks bonweekend GBU

CHEMINEE said...

tks shinta tks banget GBU

Sitha said...

De rien, Mbak... :)