
About me

Previously, I worked as an HR practitioner in several multinational companies in Jakarta, Indonesia. After moving to France, I changed my career from a full-time employee into a stay-at-home mother, a creative beader, a freelance translator, a novice sewer, a frugal container gardener and a cloth diapering addict!. Totally different, but... there's no reason for me to turn back to my previous life. So much fun in here! And my creativity is unlimited.

This blog is more about projects that I made during my "mon temps libre" (my free time). At the beginning, I named this blog as Mon Temps Libre, but now it becomes Do it Do. See the category list for sharpening your interest. There are jewelry making, sewing, gardening and other categories that you might like :)

For some stories or reviews about baby products, you might like to visit Baby's World blog (not active). 

Have fun!

PS. I spend time to write and manage the group of Cloth Diapering Parents Indonesia. Their blog is in here: Milis Popok Kain. And... Puspita Jewel is closed at this moment. Sorry...