
Monday, December 8, 2008

My First Cake Decoration

I never did cake decorating before. But for my daughter's birthday, I wanted to surprise her with a nice fondant cake. So I had to try.

At first, it was not easy for me to find the Wilton fondant. And, after browsing around, I found this site,, which sells many things for baking, including Wilton products. Yuppie!

My husband helped to bake the cake and fill it with peach + nutella. So, I could focus on the decorating. For decorating tips, I tried to find many information from friends, Wilton's site, Youtube, etc. Please check these out:
Since I ordered only one Wilton icing color (rose color), so I added some Smarties to make the cake more colorful.

Voila, this was the cake! Yummy and pretty...!

So, thank's to
Ria, Ellen, Fi Fang, Mbak Lina, and also, my husband, who helped to make my dream came true!


Ellen Antheunis said...

Cakenya cantik...kirim kesini dong

Sitha said...

Udah disantap habis, ndak bisa dikirim ;)
Btw, penyok-penyok dikit niy... hehe... Blm perfect. Thx ya!

ria-chocoloveid said...

Cakep bu..., anakmu pasti seneng dibuatin birthday cake sama ibunya sendiri.
sukses yah :)

Sitha said...

Iya Bu, anakku happy banget. Dan aku rasanya gimana gitu melihat dia happy... hehe... Pertama kali emak-nya partisipasi bikin kue ultahnya.

Thank you ya buat info2 dan tutorialnya. Kalau ada kesempatan lagi, aku mau coba buat yg lebih cantik. Sukses juga yaa...