
Friday, January 10, 2014

Atelier Kimchi

I got an opportunity to learn how to make kimchi from one of my Korean friends. And she is an experienced cook, her speciality is Korean and Japanese food. So I am lucky :D I learned a lot from her. And since three of us (the chef, me and one japanese friend) are coming from different culture, we also shared habits and informations related to cooking. Cool!

Thank you, chef! And sorry for using much of your homemade chili powder!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Yoga Mat Bag

Actually, this project was on the top of my holidays sewing list but I have just finished it now. Using one tutorial from Sew4Home, as suggested by my friend, I found that this bag was quite easy to make. Basically, it was just an usual tote bag but the straps were using cotton webbing. I received my cotton webbing yesterday from Ma Petite Mercerie so I could finish the bag this morning.

Now, my yoga mat has a home... :D


This in the individual version of Voyazz which consists of 2 pockets. This version is smaller, of course. It might be more interesting for some people who needs a smaller organizer for their travel papers. We can put 2 passports inside, but that's the maximum.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Butternut soup with Champignons

Resep ini diambil dari kelas masak yang saya ikuti tahun lalu. Nama dalam bahasa aslinya adalah velouté de butternut aux champignons. Velouté merupakan sup krim yang sering kita temukan di... mana-mana :D Dan dalam resep ini, sup krimnya menggunakan butternut squash dan jamur champignon.

Resep untuk 6 orang (porsi untuk starter)


  • 1 butternut, kupas, buang bijinya, cuci bersih dan kemudian potong-potong sebesar dadu
  • 1 bawang bombay, iris tipis
  • 1 liter kaldu ayam
  • Jamur champignon (sekitar 20 yang besar, atau sesuai selera), cuci bersih dan iris-iris
  • 1 siung bawang putih, cuci bersih dan iris halus
  • Parsley (kurang lebih 2 tangkai, kalau fresh), cuci bersih dan iris halus
  • 1 sdm fresh cream
  • Minyak olive
  • Garam dan merica

Cara memasak:

  1. Dalam panci, tumis bawang bombay dengan sedikit minyak olive
  2. Masukkan potongan butternut dan masak selama kurang lebih satu-dua menit sambil sesekali diaduk
  3. Masukkan kaldu ayam, masak sampai mendidih dan sampai empuk
  4. Sambil menunggu butternut, ambil pan dan tumis jamur dengan sedikit minyak olive
  5. Umumnya, jamur akan mengeluarkan sedikit cairan sewaktu ditumis. Setelah cairan tsb menghilang, masukkan irisan bawang putih dan parsley, masak selama kurang lebih 5 menit sambil sesekali diaduk. Tambahkan garam dan merica secukupnya
  6. Kembali ke butternut. Setelah butternut matang, matikan kompor kemudian gunakan hand blender untuk menghancurkan butternut di dalam panci. Kl tidak ada hand blender, coba dgn blender biasa
  7. Setelah sup halus, tambahkan satu sendok makan fresh cream dan aduk rata. Bumbui dengan garam secukupnya (terkadang orang lebih suka rasa asli butternut yang yummy tanpa tambahan garam)
  8. Cicipi baik sup maupun tumisan jamur sebelum disajikan. Tambahkan garam bila kurang
  9. Gunakan piring saji cekung (atau mangkok juga boleh) dan tuangkan sup di dalamnya. Bila ingin menghias sedikit, teteskan beberapa krim di atas sup secara acak. Kemudian, letakkan sekitar 2 sendok makan jamur di tengah-tengah sup
  10. Sajikan. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

Again, we meet a new year. Time flies quite fast, right?

At the new year's eve, as usual we made a family dinner. Just for of us. But this time, not serving Indonesian food, but Japanese! We made sushis. Before the sushis were served, we had a simple wakame soup as a starter. And the dessert? Chocolate cupcakes... :)

And today, I could finish my first sewing project in 2014, a pinky dress for my daughter. The pattern was from a Japanese sewing book: Vêtements amples à superposer by Mayuko Murata. It's the same book that I used to make two others (at previous posts). It seemed that I started to enjoy more the process because I already understood the basic techniques (from the book). 

Et voilà! Happy new year! May 2014 give us more time to sew! *it's a big dream for me ^_^*