
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Preloved Books & Magazine for Sale

Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing: Patterns And How-to for 24 Fresh And Easy Projects 
13 euros + shipping (Amazon 19,19 euros)
This book contains some projects related to home deco and bags. Great for beginners. Patterns are included separately (in a paper pocket).

Tendre couture d'Anne-Pia (in French)
15 euros + shipping (Amazon 21,19 euros)
This book contains some projects related to babies and little children. Patterns are included as parts of the book pages.

Young Image Magazine Spring/Summer 2012 
4 euros + shipping
+ Contains 4 languages; English, Dutch, German, French
+ Imperial/Metric size conversion table included
This magazine has some patterns for children clothes (mostly for girls) aged 2-12 years old (approx.). Patterns are attached in the middle.

Jewelry With Wire (Design Originals) by Suzanne McNeill
4 euros + shipping

Japanese beading book 60 Projects (in Japanese)
14 euros + shipping

Japanese beading book Bohemian Beads (in Japanese)
15 euros + shipping

*All prices are not negotiable. All books and magazine are in good condition.

If you would like to reserve, send me an email to I'll reply with the information of shipping & payment. Personally, I prefer the payment thru Paypal, chèque (for France buyers) or bank transfer (BCA, Mandiri - for Indonesian buyers). 


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Another Get-Well-Soon series for my lil one. Just using a transfer paper. Easy one :)


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Little Comforting Gift

My lil one gets ill. Chickenpox. Yesterday she was very excited to go to school when I found some red spots on her body. Too bad, she can't go to school for couple weeks :(

To comfort her, today I made this bunny doll. The tutorial & pattern can be found in Revoluzza (thx!).

My lil one is happy to have her new friend. We call it: Bubuni *don't ask :)*

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pincushions Mentul-mentul


Bikin pincushion lagi! Kali ini saya merombak pincushion yg ada di postingan ini dengan mencopotnya dari atas tutup honey jar dan menambah isiannya (stuffing) dengan sisa2 kain alias fabric scraps (ikutan cara teman, Iv *wink*). So pincushion jadi lebih montok , keliatan mentul-mentul :D. Padat berisi deh...

Fabric scraps yg saya gunakan utk isian adl terry cotton sisa bikin trainers jaman dulu. Kemudian utk luarnya, fabric scrap katun woven biasa.

Saya pasang kancing utk penutup lubang stuffing pincushion. Jd bisa dipakai spt itu atau dimasukkan ke tuna can spy lbh stabil, tidak menggelinding kemana2.

Dan... Versi mininya pun ada, menggunakan tutup botol air mineral utk holder-nya (bukan kaleng tuna). Ini semua bukan ide original saya lho... Di Internet banyak kok yang sudah bikin. Versi mini yg dibuat menjadi cincin pun ada.

Okeh, yang penting mentul-mentul :D

PS. Ini nambah pincushion krn harus berbagi dengan anak yg mulai belajar jahit. Dan versi kaleng tuna itu khusus utk dia, relatif lebih aman & stabil dibanding punya saya yg ini.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sewing Machines Story

Here are the sewing machines that help(ed) me.

Selecline. The first time I wrote about this machine was in 2011(see this blog post).  Since I got some thread problems at the beginning, so I did not use it for a while. I started to use it again around fall 2011 to make some training pants (trainers) for my lil girl. At that time I already got familiar with the machine and I could fix the thread problems. 

In 2012, I got some other problems with Selecline. First, the bobbin winder. It was not working. I couldn't wind my bobbins properly and it made me upset (of course…). Still, I could push the winder with my fingers. It means, semi manual winding. Tiring… And then, the Junebug dress that I made for hours (seven hours, more or less) gave another problem to my machine: the lamp was out of order! Dead. The end. No more additional light and it means I can not use that machine during the night.

Only two problems. Yea, I know… The bobbin winder problem can be fixed by buying this automatic bobbin winder. And the lamp problem can be fixed by buying a LED lamp special for sewing machine. With less than forty euros, all problems are solved.

But I saved my money for buying a better sewing machine. That's for sure. I bought Selecline because at that time I didn't know whether I would love sewing or not. Now I can say… I'm in love with sewing. So, 40 euros for sewing accessories, hm, I was hesitating… a lot.

And then, my mother-in-law lent me her Singer. This old blue Singer is mechanical like my Selecline but it's much much better. Old Singers are good in performance and endurance. I made some projects with that Singer and I had no complaint except for the fact that it's very heavy! 

Using that machine for almost 2 months, our minds were always set: just borrowing. My mother-in-law never said that she gave it to me. So, I continued searching a new machine and saving my money.

My long and deep (and confusing) survey about a sewing machine that suited me made me focus more on Brother and Janome brands. With limited budget that I had, I put my eyes only on specific models from those two brands. My plan was to buy a new one in a sewing machine shop inside this city. 

Then my faith led me to this Brother Innov-ìs 30, the same model that I tried at my sewing bestie's friend's house :D It was really beyond my expectation that I would get the opportunity of having it in a short process. The machine is not 100% new but it's 99,9% new. Confused? Well, it will be long to be shared in this blog. The previous owner of the machine was using it only for 3 days. She bought it last August. So everything is still under warranty. She sold in a very reasonable price for me. Of course I took it after trying and testing. Oh yes, almost forgot, it was her who brought the machine into my house for the trial. 

So, voilà! Got my new sewing partner…! Ready for next projects *wink*

PS. Since my dear daughter wants to learn sewing (seriously!), I offered my Selecline to her today. I promised to help her in bobbin winding. Why does she want to learn? Because, last month she bought and read a book: London Fashion. A story book for teenagers that put her into a sewing illusion (hihi, kidding...)! Selecline is good for her to start. Right?

EDIT: 16 Sep 2012. My daughter started to learn sewing today. Unfortunately, the old problem of my Selecline is coming back. Yes, thread, and the bobbin case. It seems that the Selecline will only help my daughter to learn straight stitching (and she will learn to open the bobbin case if there's a problem with the thread :D). Courage, girl!

More Cushion Covers

These are my new cushion covers made by using my new machine. Yes, finally I got a new one & it will replace my mother-in-law's blue vintage Singer. I used that Singer for couple weeks. My mother-in-law lent me until I got a new sewing machine. That means, soon Singer will go back to its home *will miss it for sure*.

I'll talk more about those machines later. Now back to the topic.

These covers are using envelope technique, simple. You may find one or two tutorials out there. Mine is taken from one of my sewing book.

Fabrics are pink fuchsia batik cotton from Indonesia (Batik Cheers - Facebook) and white soft vintage cotton from my mother-in-law (I know. She's very generous). I put some decorative stitches on the white cotton. It looks cute...

Ok, Midnight has passed. Gotta sleep now!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Seminggu Terakhir

Been busy preparing things for my children. They're coming back to school after long summer holidays. And, they go into new schools. Their worries are mine too...

Tapi seminggu terakhir ini saya sempat jahit menjahit sedikit. Wiken lalu di rumah bumer, saya membuat 2 cushion covers yang sama, utk back up kalau yang ada di rumah (cushion covers hippo) kotor or kenapa2. Soalnya asli cuma punya 2. Makanya perlu 2 lagi.

Kemudian, Selasa lalu saya membuat 2 celemek makan yg ada elastic di bagian leher. Ini sesuai dengan ketentuan dari pihak sekolah si kecil bahwa untuk makan siang di kantin harus pakai celemek model itu (supaya si anak bisa pakai sendiri tanpa dibantu). Browsing di Internet, saya akhirnya membuat sesuai keinginan saja. Antara celemek satu & dua, bahannya agak beda.

Lalu, hari ini saya mencoba berkenalan dengan zipper. Awalnya karena saya ingin membuat pouch untuk si sulung. Berhubung ukuran zipper kurang panjang, akhirnya saya bikin pouch kecil saja, just for trial. Hasilnya, hedew... Harus latihan lagi!