
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Panen Kacang Polong

Bener kan ya namanya kacang polong? *eh, malah nanya*

Ini green pea plants yg benihnya dapat dari d'Aucy dlm rangka concours alias kontes berkebun di balkon. Seru ya... Semua peserta dapat benih yg sama yaitu green peas atau petit pois. Dan setelah kurang lebih sebulan dimana sempat seminggu dititipin ke teman & kemudian kena penyakit (daun bernoktah putih trus mengering), akhirnya hari ini saya memetik green peas yg sudah matang. Menurut buku, kalau body si green peas sudah terasa solid & keras maka sudah bisa dipanen.

Hasil petik hari ini ada 10 pods. Masih ada 2 pods lagi to kelihatannya belum cukup solid.

Mengingat penyakitnya, apakah ini termasuk yg harus dihancurkan? Who is the expert?

Well, sebelum mendapat jawaban, saya posting juga foto segerombolan tomat ceri *yang sudah ditanyain terus oleh si kecil: "Boleh dimakan?" 😓*

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July Garden Update

Sekilas info ttg 'kebun' kecil saya... Secara umum baik2 saja namun ada beberapa tanaman yang sepertinya terkena jamur or something. Kelembaban yang tinggi dikarenakan cuaca yang kurang mendukung (summer tapi tidak terasa spt summer, kurang sinar matahari, lembab, dan sempat beberapa hari hujan terus) membuat tanaman2 terserang penyakit sehingga ada kegagalan panen di beberapa tempat di Perancis.

Kemarin ada beberapa serangga di tanaman bayam saya, salah satunya kepik ini. Tanaman bayamnya sendiri sudah ada yang dipanen (dari pot merah) sementara yang di window box akan dipanen dalam minggu ini. Penyakit tanaman sptnya mengenai sebagian besar bayam saya. Ini terlihat dari daun2 bagian bawah yang menjadi coklat.

Marigold dan capucine berbunga. Mereka harusnya dipasangkan dgn tanaman tomat karena bisa membantu menghindari penyakit tanaman tertentu. Tapi saya malas memindahkannya ke planter box tomat :(

Green peas are showing up... Tapi sptnya kena penyakit, daun2 di bagian bawah terlihat jelek dan kering. Tanaman ini seharusnya diikutkan lomba. Semoga bisa bertahan sampai panen.

Radish dipanen akhir Juni 2012. Sekarang sudah ndak ada lagi tanaman ini di pot saya.

Tanaman tomat ceri saya belum bisa dipanen. Buahnya banyak tapi masih hijau. Ada satu yang mulai memerah. Sementara itu, ada tanaman tomat ceri yang dulu saya tanam setelah pengakaran dan sekarang tumbuh dengan baik di salah satu pot merah. Rencana memindahkan satu batang yg lain ke window box bayam (nanti, setelah bayam dipanen). 

Cilantro mulai mengeluarkan seed (sejak awal bulan Juli) namun belum cukup waktu utk dipanen. Tanaman mint merajalela dan mulai mencari space di pot sebelahnya yang berisi tanaman sereh. Chives sepertinya terdesak oleh cilantro (next time akan saya taruh tanaman cilantro di pot terpisah), demikian juga tanaman basil yang satu pot dengan mereka. Sedangkan satu tanaman basil di planter box-nya tomat ceri tumbuh secara sehat. 

Jahe yang sempat patah sekarang mulai tumbuh lagi. Tanaman ubi merah/sweet potato tumbuh sehat. Di pot yang sama, saya lihat ada tanaman tumbuh tapi entah itu apa... saya lupa :(

O iya, saya mulai menanam bawang merah dari satu siung dari dapur ;D It's starting to grow now, satu pot dengan sereh. Di pot itu, sepertinya saya sempat menabur benih cabe rawit famorganic tapi belum tumbuh. 

Window box yang berisi kangkung dan kacang panjang terlihat baik2 saja tapi kondisi tanah terlalu lembab. Kadang saya tidak siram beberapa hari karena khawatir dgn kelembaban tsb.

Satu lagi, di planter box tomat ceri ada tanaman baru, yaitu kentang. Saya menanamnya dari seiris kentang di dapur yang mulai mengeluarkan 'kepala' (bakal batang). Sejauh ini tumbuhnya baik dan mulai tinggi.

Special note about my spinach plants

Pertumbuhan spinach menurut saya agak aneh. Bentuk tanamannya pun tidak sama dengan gambar di kemasannya. Tanaman bayam/spinach saya itu tumbuh tinggi jangkung. Setelah dua bulan, daun2nya tidak ada yang mature utk dipanen. Di luar masalah penyakit tanaman yang saya singgung di atas, sepertinya ada problem lain. Tetap sih bisa dipanen karena daun2 bayam yang saya petik itu seperti daun bayam muda yang fresh dan crunchy. Enak banget pas ditumis...

Ocehan seputar tanaman

Saya: "Suami, kok bayam saya tinggi2 begitu ya? Coba kamu cek di internet"
Suami: "Kayaknya seisi rumah ini memang tinggi2 deh"

Ini jawaban terkesan asal tapi benar :D dan kalau dilihat ke tanaman, tomat ceri kami pun tingginya seperti tak umum sehingga dua minggu lalu terpaksa saya prunning atasnya (plus beberapa batang daun). Kata suami, mungkin saya kebanyakan ngasih pupuk. Menurut saya (yang jarang ngasih pupuk), mungkin tanah yang kami beli (spesial utk berkebun sayuran dan buah) memang sangat kaya akan pupuk. 

Saya, sehabis memetik bayam, "Adek, tolong keranjang isi bayam ini ditaruh di dapur ya. Nanti Mama mau cuci sebelum dimasak"
Adek, mengambil keranjang dan berjalan ke arah suami, "Papa, ini daun sirih"

-> keseringan nonton Upin Ipin episode Jari Jemari Salleh ^_^

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Iris Dress, Second Trial

Second trial dari pattern Iris Dress ini lebih baik daripada yang pertama. Tapi... masih belum sempurna. Memang masih payah :( Saya harus lebih sering mempraktekkan latihan-latihan dari buku dasar menjahit tapi kok suka males yah...

Back to the Iris Dress. Rasanya saya harus coba lagi tapi dengan kain bermotif yang lebih pink & lebih girly :D

Travel Wallet

This one was made for my girl. I hope she will use it when we have another opportunity to visit our home country.

The tutorial was from Insatiable Need's blog, Mini Pocketbook. It's quite small but I thought it will be perfect for my girl.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sac Ă  Tarte, Pie Bag

Sometimes we have to bring a cake, a pie or a quiche for a school event. When we want to bring a full pan of it, this bag will be useful. Easier to carry...

Tutorial from Marie Claire Idées with a slight modification.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bretagne: Day 5-8

Wed, July 11, 2012: We took a boat from Port Navalo to visit Île aux Moines, a nice & touristic island that receives many tourists. In the boat, a guide explained all small islands we saw along the way. We arrived at the island around 12 & we directly rented some bikes to explore the area. If you can see the map of Île aux Moines in google, it's not too big. But riding a bike from the harbor (north) until one part in the south was a hard work for me :). especially with a lil kid behind me.

In that island, we visited one megalith site (Kerganon?) & two little beaches. It was fun. My children loved the bicycle trip like that. After 4 hours, our boat picked us up to come back.

From this trip, we got sunburn *I forgot to bring our sunblock in the car*

Thu, July 12, 2012: Our direction was to Carnac city to see, once again, megaliths. Megaliths in Carnac are thousands & separated in some locations. We took the tourist train to see all. The train also passed some cities around Carnac so we could have city views too.

Fri, July 13, 2012: We had no specific destination... at the beginning :) But then we finally went to Comptoir Breton gift shop & the centre ville of Sarzeau. The day before, it was most raining. Everybody was using rain coats. And that Friday was the same, raining... So cold for me. Yes, better to start packing because we had to leave on Saturday.

Saturday: Going back home! But we stopped by at Tropical Parc in Saint Jacut les Pins, not far from Sarzeau. I saw their website months ago and I was curious. So while we were there (Morbihan, Bretagne), we visited that parc which had an Indonesian garden. Lovely place... My children were happy. Me too! The environment really felt like home. Looked like home, smelled like home... Banana trees, pineapple plants, even mimosa aka putri malu, goats, chickens, birds...

Finished! End of our holidays! Goodbye beach, bye crĂȘpe world :), bye blue houses, bye stripes...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bretagne: Day 1-4

Just some words & pics to share. Ready?

Saturday, we arrived at the location around 6-7pm. We had dinner in La CrĂȘperie Ă  la ferme, a very nice crepe restaurant in the middle of a farm. After eating, the children could play around the farm & touch the horses. Yes, two big horses.

Sunday, we went to a market in Saint Gildas de Rhuys city. A nice & crowded market where we could buy cheese, fruits & pizza :). The children could find some new books in one seller, almost a half price. This market did not only provide food but also clothing, artisanal accessories, even some cute beads (yumm...). After lunch time, we went to the beach! Fun... So much wind... ^_^ After that, we had a simple dinner at our place: spaghetti with tomato sauce & cheese. The children were happy :)

Monday, we visited Suscinio castle where we learned the history of Anne de Bretagne & her family. Interesting. After lunch time, we went to the beach again... The weather was nice (according to Bretonne's standard) so we wanted to take advantage by playing on the beach. We finished before the group dinner, barbecue!

Tuesday, we went to Port Crouesty, a harbor in Arzon city. A pretty & nice place with many boats & also shops :) After lunch time, we visited another city, Saint Armel. We spent time in one little island named Tascon (Ăźle de Tascon). We could reach that island by walking but we had to come back before the sea covered the walking path (maksudnya: sebelum air laut pasang). The island itself is not too big but some people are living there. Not far from the island, we saw some small areas for taking/harvesting sea salt. At that we were already tired & the children preferred to take some wild flowers instead of watching salt :). Then we decided to go back but we stopped by at one shop, Maison du Cidre, at Le HĂ©zo city. Totally tired, unfortunately I had to drive, collecting miles ^_^. Dinner was at la crĂȘperie again. Couldn't resist to come back there.

VoilĂ ! To be continued...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Before The Trip

We're going to Morbihan, Bretagne tomorrow. The beach! Yea...

During our leave, my plants need to be taken care of, right? So I put some Aqua Solos into my containers. And my friend will take care of two window boxes contain green pea plants & long bean-water spinach plants. Green pea plants are for the contest *wink* and the long bean + water spinach plants are still babies... I can take a risk of losing them *lol*. So, thx u, my friend for helping me... Ah yes, she will also visit my tomato plants. Some baby cherry tomatoes are coming! I'm afraid they will be sad during my leave so my friend will visit them to make sure they're fine *wink again*

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Top & Skirt in Flowers

I know It's summer already :) But this print, for me, represents springtime with so many flowers blooming everywhere. I got the fabric long time ago from my mom in Jakarta. Finally I used it.

Since this morning I lost photos of the last one year, so these photos (I took yesterday) were copied from my social medias (luckily, I tweeted one yesterday). Sorry for bad quality of the photos :(

The top's pattern is mixed betweenm Iris dress (Yeppar) & Junebug dress (Craftiness is not optional). I made it into a top, not a dress. It looks cute but I still need to fix the front part. And the skirt is from Oliver+S tutorial (Lazy Day Skirt).