
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mac & cheese

Two weeks ago, I was having a very bad flu and my husband was out of town for 3-day-business trip. I was so weak, I did not have extra strength to cook. But we did not have any more frozen baby food in the freezer. So when I dropped my older daughter at the school, I stopped by at one supermarket to buy some Blédina jars. Not may option for the taste because we do not eat pork. So I chosed those with fish. Unfortunately, my baby did not like it. I was confused. What should I do?

Suddenly I remember a song at one of Barney's VCD - Let's Play School. I got a quick clue. Macaroni and cheese! Simple and fast.

First, I cooked the macaroni in a pan. And, at the same time, I cooked some leeks with garlic and olive oil. When both were well-cooked, I mixed them and added with some grated cheese. I took a little amount of that dish for my baby. After that, I added some salt and slices of turkey. Of course that was for me and my older daughter. We needed to eat too ^_^

Voila! One time cooking for all. Thank's Barney!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bubur Kentang Parut dan Salmon

Dapat ide kentang parut rebus dari buku Super Baby Food. Dan berhubung ada rencana memperkenalkan salmon, jadi di-"kawin"kan deh keduanya. Bintang tamunya, purée buncis...

Caranya mudah, hanya memarut kentang sblm direbus. Kemudian bila ada sisa kentang yg terlalu kecil utk diparut, dipotong2 biasa saja. Setelah itu, direbus. Kebetulan salmon kukus sudah dibuat terlebih dahulu. Namun bila ingin dimasak berbarengan dengan kentang, bisa saja sih... Purée buncis, sudah ada stok di freezer, jadi tinggal ambil satu cube besar, di-thaw, kemudian campur ke mangkuk si kecil.