
Monday, October 27, 2014

Petite robe noire

Spt nama parfum :D. Tapi ini dress hitam terbilang "petite" karena yg pakai juga masih kecil :D

Voilà, satu dress hitam untuk si kecil yg hari ini dibikin dgn cukup express dan dgn mengopi ukuran satu t-shirt utk bodice. Sisanya mengalir aja. Si kecil bilang mau pakai kostum princess dress hitam utk halloween. Ditawarin topi penyihir sbg padanan, dia ngga mau. Ditawarin bikin tanduk spt Maléfique (Maleficent), dia jg ngga mau. Maunya dikasih applique pumpkin di dada & pakai sayap. Oalah... Peri pumpkin... >_<. Tentu saya tidak punya applique berbentuk labu, baik labu jahat maupun labu baik. Sayap hitam, apalagi... 

Sementara ini, begini dulu saja. Yang penting kostum/dress hitam udah jadi (walau pakai bias tape warna fuchsia & ritsleting ungu :D ). 

Selamat Halloween!

Kids Clothes Week - Oct 2014

Finally I could participate again at this virtual event. And finally I sewed children clothes using Citronille & Oliver+S' patterns. Yey!

A little story to share:

This time, KCW was using a theme of Children story book. I was looking for ideas from my little one bookshelf. And of course, I asked her about the books she liked. She said: "Trotro!". Trotro is a donkey :). I like him too. The story of Trotro is nice for children. But what idea that I could take from this Trotro? I only could find: the colors of his usual clothing (red-violet) and the simple 'trapèze' dress of Lili & Nana (Trotro's friends). But after I checked on my fabric stash, I didn't have the solid fabrics in red & violet. Bum! "Ok, let's see the dress for an alternative".

And, my little one also loves a book about Minette Frisette. This girl is wearing the same dress style like Lili & Nana, but in polkadot, red & white. I have a red-white fabric but not enough for a dress. Bum!

At the other hand, I had my own preference too. I looovee Martine (or Debbie in US, Tini in Indonesia). I love her classic to vintage style outfits. I love her Peter Pan collar. I love her! Some of her dresses are also in "trapèze" look.

So I decided: Martine's style! *errr... personal ambition*. And I chose the fabrics in color that my daughter liked so much (that's why all are in pink).

Patterns? Ok, it was a little bit tough in choosing the pattern with Peter Pan collar. My options were:
1. Pernette by Citronille
2. Debbie's birthday dress by Sew Pony Vintage (on Etsy)
3. One on the cover of the latest edition of B-Inspired magazine (I don't know the name)

Considering certain conditions, I picked Pernette. It's mostly because of my curiosity to Citronille's patterns :D. And because of... french indie pattern (support local indie designers!).

The second pattern of simple & classic dress was from my, uhuk, collection, uhuk, that I had never tried >_<. It was School Photo Dress by Oliver+S. 

Actually I made a list for 4 clothes. Two others were Sydney jacket by C'est Dimanche and a skirt from one Japanese sewing book. I put these two on 3rd & 4th priorities due to my conditions (children school holidays for 2 weeks - needed to 'entertain' my kids too). So I made Pernette & School Photo Dress. 

Which one I liked most?
- The School Photo Dress.

- Detail instructions & there's a sew along in Oliver+S' blog

I was a little bit stucked during the construction of the sleeves part for Pernette. Luckily, I have made some little dresses before, from a Japanese sewing book. I used my memory to help attaching the sleeves. I wondered why I still had a good memory about it... hmm...

I made a mistake too on the first Pernette dress I made. And it was fatal :( How come? Since I just had a new serger, so, I was not experienced enough to operate it. Then, an accident happened. A hole >_<. Not fixable. The only solution was: making a new Pernette. Voilà, I made it.

I didn't put a lining on Pernette. But I did for the School Photo Dress. So it was so long in the construction process. But I tried to enjoy as long as I was not too tired. Anyway, it's a part of sewing, right? Being patience with the process, with the mistakes, with the remakes, with the finishing by hand... Etc, etc.

On this experience, I learned:
- how to install an invisible zipper :D
- how to sew a Peter Pan collar
- how to arrange the pattern on the fabric print to get the best result after being sewed (but I failed :D )
- how to make a kangaroo pocket (j'adore!)
- how to sew a dress lining 

I am happy with the results, especially with the School Photo Dress. I think I will make again. And Pernette too. I want to make one with lining.

Now I need to stock some invisible zippers in pink. Yeah... 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Brother Sewing Foot

Sudah lama kepingin bahas tentang sewing foot-nya mesin jahit saya, si Brother Innovis (NV) 30. 

Standar dari mesinnya ada 6. 

  1. Zig zag foot (pied standard)
  2. Buttonhole foot (pied boutonnière automatique)
  3. Zipper foot (pied fermeture à glissière)
  4. Overcasting foot (pied surfilage)
  5. Blind stitch foot (pied outlet invisible)
  6. Monogramming foot (pied points déco)

PS. I miss this one: Button sewing foot (pied pose-bouton). Harusnya yg ini saya juga dapat.

So far saya banyak memakai empat sewing foot pertama di list. Sisanya belum sempat dicoba. Namun tampaknya yang blind stitch foot harus dicoba dalam waktu dekat ini.

Kemudian, berhubung saya membutuhkan walking foot untuk beberapa project yang menggunakan banyak lapisan kain, plus project yang memakai bahan kain kulit sintetis, maka saya membeli walking foot di eBay UK. Ini adalah walking foot yang bukan original dari Brother sehingga harga jauh lebih murah (kalau tidak salah sekitar 12 EUR). Sedangkan kalau harga walking foot resmi Brother di sini antara 40 - 42 EUR. 

PS. Walking foot sangat oke untuk project menggunakan bahan kulit sintetis. Tadinya saya hampir beli teflon foot tapi batal karena dengan walking foot-pun sudah cukup. Demikian juga untuk menjahit bahan dari PUL (cloth diaper sewing) Jangan lupa sesuaikan bahan dengan jenis jarumnya ya...

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya melihat di forum lokal menjahit, ada seorang ibu yang mau menjual sewing foot Brother miliknya. Saya tertarik dan membeli 2. 

SA177/F054 Side cutter foot

SA109/F014N Binding foot

Sejauh ini saya belum menguasai si binding foot, hihi... Harus lebih banyak latihan lagi. Side cutter foot sangat keren hasilnya. Lebih rapi dibanding overcasting foot.

Dan saat ini sehubungan dengan kegiatan permak jahitan (hahaha…), saya memerlukan sewing foot ini:

SA126/F002N (7 mm) Narrow hemmer foot

Ke depannya, saya ada project membuat pakaian anak dengan menggunakan invisible/concealed zipper. So, sewing foot ini juga akan berguna:

SA128/F004N Concealed zipper foot

Ok, sekian dulu. Kalau ada yang terbaru, saya akan revisi postingan ini. Ciao!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

KCW October 2014


Been absent for a while. It doesn't mean that I did not make any craft things or sewing things. I did. But I did not have much time to post in this blog. Feel free to visit my instagram @MoiSitha. I regularly post my handmade things in that account.

Meanwhile, just want to inform (or remind) you all. The next Kids Clothes Week will be started in October 20, 2014. I have just signed up. Join me, okay? Cool!

See you there!

kid's clothes week