
Friday, August 26, 2011

List Toko Online Bahan Popok

Oh ya, list ini hanya berisi toko2 online di Perancis, UK dan US, bukan di Indonesia.


  • Ar Brinic - pilihannya banyak banget, PUL-nya lucu2, harganya lebih mahal, demikian jg ongkirnya.
  • Couche Nature - pilihannya lumayan banyak, PUL-nya cakep, harganya normal, ongkir idem
  • Cosy Cotton - pilihannya banyak, PUL-nya so so, harga normal, ongkir idem
  • Tiloudou - pilihannya terbatas, PUL-nya lumayan, harganya murah, ongkir normal
  • Toile de Coton - pilihannya terbatas banget, PUL juga, harga normal, ongkir normal
  • Trezh Babig - pilihannya terbatas, PUL polos aja, harga normal, ongkir normal
  • Toudou Nature - pilihannya terbatas banget, PUL juga, harga sedikit lebih mahal, ongkir normal
  • Bio Tissus
Note. Yg bukan ols, bisa coba ke Mondial Tissu. Terakhir ke sana (yg di Bourges), ada bahan PUL putih dan microfiber.

  • Pocket Bots
  • Nappies by Minki
  • Eco Earth

  • Wazoodle - bbrp forum tdk merekomendasikan
  • Minky Delight
  • Very Baby
  • Celtic Cloths Wholesale
  • Sew Baby
  • Sew Many Diapers
  • Print Knits Studio

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Third Trainer

Still Trimsies!

Copas dari email saya ke Milis Popok Kain yah... *males nulis ulang*

Ceritanya ini lagi latihan jahit plus ngejar deadline ^_^. Popok2 anak saya mau dibeli teman yg akan melahirkan bbrp bulan lagi, plus target toilet training di musim panas (yg akan berakhir), jadi saya harus rajin 'belajar'. Kebetulan mesin jahit yg bbrp bulan lalu ngambeg, ternyata sekarang lancar jaya.

Ini trainer ketiga dgn pola yang sama, Trimsies, tapi size Medium.

  • Bahan outer: katun
  • Bahan side panel: flanel (sisa bahan trainer kedua)
  • Bahan inner: katun
  • Bahan soaker: microfiber
  • Waterproof layer di bawah soaker: jas baby kayaknya > hasil mutilasi popok Baby Oz
  • Pola: Trimsies size M

Sebenarnya saya penasaran terus sama si elastik latex ituh. Saya pikir, mungkin memang blm jago pasang/jahitnya, jadi sok atuh latihan... Ternyata masih sama aja. Saya udah ikutin instruksi persis spt di tutorialnya. Panjang elastik pun persis spt yg dianjurkan. Tp ya begini aja hasilnya. Kurang memuaskan. Plus point-nya, bentuk trainer-nya sendiri & jahitannya udah improved dibanding dua yang pertama saya bikin.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Second Trainer

  • Bahan outer: flanel
  • Bahan inner: microfleece
  • Bahan soaker: bamboo
  • Waterproof layer di bawah soaker: PUL, hasil mutilasi popok yg ngga berfungsi dgn baik (bukan yg branded kok, yg murah).
  • Pola: Trimsies size S (udah kadung dipotong bareng trainer yg pertama dulu - yg fleece)

Monday, August 22, 2011


My sewing machine, Selecline, was bought couple months ago in Auchan supermarket. I decided to buy it instead of Singer or Brother because, of course, it's cheaper. The price was 59 EUR.

The first time I used, it had some problems with the thread. Broken and broken, stucked into the machine. After several trials, I gave up. I did not have much time to handle that machine.

Last week, I planned to buy a new machine from my savings. It had to be better. It might be Brother. I found a specialist store in Montargis that sells Brother. That store can repair too. It sounds perfect.

Unfortunately, we did not go there last weekend because we called the store and it seemed they're still on summer holidays. No one responded. So, I was back to the Selecline but previously I checked on the internet about the problem. It was not easy to read the manual since it is in french ;D, so I thought I could find similar problem (with different brands) in English speaking countries. I found some information.

And yesterday, I changed the bobbin and thread. The machine then worked better. I don't think I will buy a new one now.

For you who just bought Selecline and a first timer like me, perhaps this link can help you a little bit. It's a video by using Shark Sew Easy (612C) machine and it looks exactly the same with my Selecline. Also, this link will help you about changing the needle.

The great thing is, the manual of Shark 612C in PDF! It's in english, french and spanish.

Let's sew!

My First Trainer

This is my first trainer, Trimsies with size S. Not perfect yet since I am not experienced enough of using a sewing machine. Some parts were done by machine, but some were handsewn.

It's supposed to be a Quick Trainer but it was not quick for me. The fabrics are fleece and cotton terry. I used elastics from our FuzziBunz diaper that is not used anymore (PUL laminating is broken).

The size is too small for my kid. I will try to make a bigger size with, perhaps, different fabrics.

Thank's Trimsies for finally making me sew :D and use cloth diapers fabrics I bought last year.