
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Simple Tuna Pie

Note: Reposted from My Multiply.

This is so simple to cook. I got the recipe from but since I made this only for my daughter and me for our lunch, I reduced the amount of each ingredients into a half. I also modified some according to the availability of ingredients at home.

  • 3 large Carrots, cut into small pieces (like we use to do for Indonesian Soup)
  • 2 large Potatoes, cut into small cubes
  • 1 can Tuna
  • Grated Cheese
  • 1 tomato, sliced
Preparation Instructions:
  • Cook the carrots and potatoes in boiling water until soft.
  • Drain and mash. Mix in the tuna.
  • Pour into a dish. Cover with cheese.
  • Put the sliced tomatoes at the top.
  • Bake in an oven at 200 C for 20 to 30 minutes or until cheese is golden.

Nasi Bayam (Rice with Spinach)

Note: Reposted from My Multiply.

Bahan - bahan :
  • Nasi panas 500 gr
  • Bayam 2 ikat, siangi, rebus sebentar, cincang kasar
  • Bawang bombay kecil 1 buah, cincang kasar
  • Telur 2 butir, kocok lepas
  • Susu encer 100 ml
  • Keju parut 100 gr, untuk ditabur diatasnya
  • Royco rasa ayam 1 sdm
  • Margarin 2 sdm, cairkan

Cara membuat :
  • Campur semua bahan kecuali keju parut
  • Masukkan ke dalam wadah tahan panas yang sudah diolesi margarin
  • Taburi diatasnya dengan keju parut
  • Oven selama 30-45 menit dengan suhu 250 derajat

  • Kalau prefer bawang bombay-nya 'well done', bisa ditumis aja dulu sebelum dicampur.
  • Margarin diganti butter aja lah...
  • Hasil akhir menurutku kurang asin, tapi menurut suamiku udah oke.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Purple Pendant

I created this wrapped pendant couple months ago. The cabochon was also from Wire Scuplture but smaller than before (see My First Wrap Pendant). I do no know what kind of stone that I used here since I am still learning about gemstones, and Wire Sculpture did not list down all names of stones they sent (just informed as Gemstone Cabochon Assortment). So, it can be Ametrine? Or Fluorite? Anyway, I like the color.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My First Creation 2007

I made this at the first workshop I took at Istana Mote, Jakarta in March 2007. It was very difficult for me since I never tried wire work before. But after, the result was amazing...

Swarovski is really beautiful. Together with fresh water pearls, they formed into a very beautiful necklace.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Jewelry Making Workshop in Indonesia

I made a list of places and persons that can provide jewelry making workshop in Indonesia. I compiled the data from M2C mailing list and also from browsing around... For more information, please contact them, not me. I will update my list every time I receive new informations.

Please click here for downloading my list. It is in PDF format.