
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Talking About: French Sewing Patterns

As promised, let's talk about some french sewing patterns... for children.

C'est Dimanche

Their designs are classic but they have some unique accents that make them different especially in the collars or near the collars.

I love these patterns:

*Sydney coat. Photo belongs to C'est Dimanche

Not only Oliver + S and Japanese Sewing fans that have special blogs, C'est Dimanche is the same! See here:

At this moment, I am waiting for Sydney pattern from someone that sells it at La Fibre Creative. Seven euros plus fdp. Not bad. I have been considering to have one coat pattern for my girl and I think Sydney is so cute. Classic, but cute.

Coupé Couzu

For me, Coupe Couzu's design is also classic. But simpler than C'est Dimanche. Caperon Pas Rouge is interesting. But I have one similar cape from Oliver+S's book that I haven't tried.

* Petit Caperon Pas Rouge - the back part. Photo belongs to Coupe Couzu


The design is, again, classic but sweet. I love to see the website of Citronille. It looks original. The pattern that I like very much is Albertine. I don't know why. I just like it since a long time ago. But I never have it :( I have one Citronille pattern, Hortense, in the category of Nuit. I bought it last year. And yes, I have never tried it yet. I was a little bit scared with the instructions... in french >_<

* Hortense. Picture belongs to Citronille

Fans of Citronille, see this blog:

Her Little World

The first time I saw this pattern packaging in an expo, I was impressed. Lovely and sweet, full of imagination and fantasy. Perhaps that was because I saw their patterns for dresses :D But one that I love is the Médieval dress pattern. Simple and down to earth.

* Médieval dress. Photo belongs to Her Little World


Ok, that's all... I think other brands are not too interesting for me. Those four are my fantastic four for children french sewing patterns :)

See other french sewing patterns in here: Couture Stuff


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